The Best High-Protein Vegan Foods

The Best High-Protein Vegan Foods

clock-circular-outlinePosted 1 Aug 2018

More and more people are exploring the benefits of switching up their diets with vegan and vegetarian options, but with this comes the challenge of consuming adequate amounts of complete proteins.

Many plant-based, vegan protein foods are incomplete. Eating a variety of protein sources throughout the day will give your body all the protein it needs to support bodily functions, and your training goals!

Don't follow a vegan diet? You're still going to benefit hugely from implementing these foods into your diet, providing a variety of protein and nutrients.

Oh, and don't forget…

Protein isn't just for bodybuilders; it's an essential macronutrient needed in your diet. Contributing towards the production of enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals alongside being a building block for skin, bones, muscle, cartilage and blood.

Looking for high-protein vegan recipe ideas? Try these:

Vegan Meatball Sub Recipe

Vegan Nutella Stuffed Banana Bread Recipe

Vegan High-Protein Breakfast Ideas

Healthy Vegan Meal Prep Inspiration

5 of the best high-protein foods you can include in your vegan diet


Protein: 5g p/100g serving

So good, astronauts eat it in space. This super-grain is not only a complete protein, but it's also super versatile - being a fantastic alternative for pasta or rice, a great base for any meal. Quinoa is packed full of micronutrients too with high levels of fibre, iron, lysine, magnesium and potassium.


Protein: 4g p/25g

Chia seeds have become one of the most popular superfoods in to-date, shown to provide many health benefits. These include the promotion of healthy skin, reduced signs of ageing and the support of our health and digestive system.

Add a serving to your overnight oats for a supercharged brekkie!


Protein: 7g p/100g

Hummus fans, where you at?...

Not just a delicious dip, hummus is another plant-based protein source packed full of fundamental micronutrients and a good hit of protein, too.

You can easily take advantage of chickpeas versatility within your diet. They taste great in vegan curries, stir fry's, hummus dips, salads or even mash em' up and include them in your baking; soft baked cookies, brownies or cakes. YUM!!


Protein: 9g p/100g

These legumes may be little, but they certainly pack a punch! Lentils are incredibly nutrient-dense, providing a fantastic source of iron, fibre, folate and magnesium.

A recent study at the University of Guelph in Canada found that switching out half your starchy foods for lentils can significantly improve your body's response to the carbohydrates, causing a drop in blood glucose levels by up to 20 per cent.


Protein: 8g p/100g

Derived from soya and created using a similar process to cheese, it'll give you a substantial serving of protein while also being low in calories and carbohydrates. Tofu is super versatile and tastes great in stir fry's, noodles, salads and veggie bowls!

And that's a wrap! Make sure you get creative with your meals and include a variety of the ingredients above in your recipes.

Got your own high protein vegan food suggestions? Drop them in the comments section below!


GymsharkBy Gymshark

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